Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Second

Very frustrating day at work today. I have been trying to figure out how to merge two computer files of the same type in a way that should work, it hasn't. Ask for help, follow given directions, doesn't work. Try another way that should work, doesn't work. Very frustrating day at work.

I am the non custodial parent of two teenage boys. It always hurts when my visitation occurs and one of the two dosen't want to come over. Why's and wherefores wouldn't change the sting so you just buck up for the other and soldier on. One or both a fun time is always had. I would hang with both of them on my own if I was their age, but I still wince at the thought that one now doesn't want to spend time with his dad.

Tonite was the official start of the Month of Broths. was the first offering and it was delicious. My wife can do many things, most I can't talk about but man she can cook!

Nick didn't want soup so we ran out and he got his first Sheets burger. I have no idea why but that was what he wanted.

Nasty roads takin Nick home but a fun time was apparently had by all.

Been spending free time today trying to put to paper the things I want to try to accompish short and long term this year. I didn't realize there were so many things I wnated to do that I wasn't.

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