Wednesday, September 15, 2010

All that and a bag of chips...

I have been searching for that someone that would understand me (and even if he didn't understand, accept). Someone who would not get overwhelmed with the love that I wanted to pour out on him, or take advantage of it. I have wanted, all my life, to find someone that liked to do know, go out and watch a movie, go to a play or concert, go explore that store that looks so interesting or just hang out on the couch and watch a movie or such. And finally, thank you God, I have that. I cannot find the words to express the joy that I now have in my life. Every little want, wish, hope and desire has been fulfilled and my cup runneth over.
I don't know what I have done to deserve all my prayers to be answered but I sure am glad I did it. Thank you Lord for your blessings in my life. I feel as if I have been completed. All those things that I wanted to share I now can. So my life is all that, and a bag of the bestest, tastiest (Spicy Nacho Doritos) chips that can be found.