Thursday, January 2, 2014

The First

Once more I want to endeavor to post daily as just a flush of thoughts. This time I will post on the previous day.

Teri and I both managed to get the day off which was cool because she doesn't nearly have the Holidays available that I do.

The day started off with a wonderufl breakfast prepared by my wife. ( We had bisquits, scrambled eggs, bacon and hash browns. Man I can't believe I ever spent time with women who did not cook.

A little college football followed by a trip to walmart to stock up on things used during the past two weeks of holiday cooking and whatnot. I admit this was not nearly as bad as I though it would be. My desire to spend time around people diminishes all the time and going out anymore except traveling with my wife is not a favorite of mine.

Back at the crib we discussed our 'month of broth' we are embarking on to try and jump start our weight loss goals for the year. This past year I lost as much as 35 lbs and managed to keep most of it off. Not being the excercising type I worry I may have to add that to my quasi daily regime in order to reduce the 'fatie'.

More college football, prose reading (I have a goal of 12 novels this year. It may not seem like much but with the volume of comics I read it's tough. Carniepunk an Urban Fantasyish anthology is first up.) assorting through my digital comis and then another excellent meal from the wife. This time her take on Kung Pao Beef, dang!!

I have come to the conclusion that I do not like when folks take liberties singing my national anthem. If you want to whore your voice go do it on iTunes as that is what it's there for. Show the respect it deserves and sing the anthem as written. Just because it's 'commons' doesn't mean you can do with it as you wish.

A short dallyance (yes that's a euphemism) and we hit the sack a bit earlier then usual to rest up for a long day of work on Thursday.

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