Tuesday, April 19, 2016

2016 108


Large scale sweeping historical proclamation by a comic fan shows not their knowledge bu their length of fandom. Nothing in comics new happened after the 90's. Except maybe new fans.

Trying to get from FB peeps the link between trans restroom access and increased odds of predatory behavior. I believe it's going to fall under the category of knee-jerk soundbite with no substantiated proof of the contention.

This puritanical backlash to the current wave of the rights and freedoms for all movement is getting tiresome. Most of the idea are ignorant and entirely rooted in fear not brain power. I prefer brain power as it is sustainable long term much more easily than anything else.

'It's just my fear' usually means it's irrational and you really have no basis other than your own psychosis. If so you may truly need to speak to someone to help you adjust to reality rather than the world in your head.

That's what I get trying to reason with people on FB. It's really hard not to finish every conversation with 'that's stupid'.

Three new podcasts consumed today, all keepers.

It's always fun to try and locate a road centerline segment in Arcmap by name prior to creation.

Yummy dinner, Dancing with the Stars and some Image comics catchup to round out a solid start to the week.

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