Friday, December 5, 2014

Three hundred thirteen

American adult life is by and large the mind numbing process of repeating the same circles of actions and behaviors. We all do the same things the same ways at the same times on the same days. Some folks take comfort in the knowledge of encountering and being able to plan for the expected. I however have found myself in soul sucking boredom with the responsible adult life I have to live.

When we do find something new what do we do? Drop it into the machine thus destroying some part of what made it appealing in the first place. I don't know what the change is but man I am BORED with life at the moment. Virtually anyone could take my place and my part of the machine would continue with very little interruption. That's a sobering thought.

A while back podcasting filled the 'new' niche but I feel like it too has now become just another part of my personal background noise.

I have thought and discussed with my personal counselor and have come to a conclusion. It is equally disrespectful to the source material to take a property and anglicize it as it is to take the politically incorrect aspects out when a property is remade. Most folks of a liberal bent feel the former is an affront but the later a necessity. I call a hypocrite a hypocrite.

Love going to the laundromat....yeah.

Lazy evening with Chef Teri who is not feeling too well.

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