Saturday, March 12, 2016

2016 72

Open the day with UFC PPV 196.

I'm not sure I will be able to understand why our world has become so polarized while I personally have become more centric. So often in the public forum if you disagree it's because you are a hate monger or a bigot or both. The tendency to use labels or categorize people in my opinion is an attempt by people to simplify their worldview by being able to dismiss those labels they don't agree with. I don't like labels I try to use and speak facts.

Exclusionary verbiage is also a current sore spot with me. Marginalized people feel that by dropping in adjectives that describe their worldview they will gain the attention of those like minded. Instead they show that their thoughts are intended for those of like ilk at the exclusion of all others. I constantly see queer this, black that, girl the other and I can't help but think they don't want me looking a caucasian, christian, cis-male.

There seems to be sore lack of moderation in the world today and it turns my stomach. I find myself wanting to scream to the world to just chill the fuck out.

Bought some new hiking boots and socks and tried it all out. Three miles today and another .6 this Past Thursday.

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