Friday, February 18, 2011


I am a married woman again. It is becoming more and more the social security card in my "new" name. That's a reality check. I am the happiest I have ever been in my whole life. Growing up my childhood was full of a lot of scary stuff. My first marriage was full of a lot of scary stuff. This relationship is not. I feel safe and secure and loved. My new husband is my very best friend. I cannot not think of a thing that he does that gets on my nerves. It's amazing! I'm sure that will not last forever, but for now it's great!!!

Some people might be bored with the everyday hum-drum of life but I love it. I love being able to come home to someone who smiles when I walk in the room and is genuinely happy to see me. I love cooking dinner (and even cleaning up afterward) knowing that I have done something with my two hands that benefited (and hopefully pleased) someone I love. I love sitting on the couch doing "whatever" beside the one I love...whether we talk or not, just knowing that he is but a touch and a smile away ( and I might even get to steal a smoocharoonie or two) is just the greatest joy. And I love the peace...there is such a peace between us. We know each other. And even more important than we love each other, we like each other. That makes a big diffence.

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