Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Post: The First

This is my new blog. Welcome.

I have had several over the years, not really sure why I guess they just all seemed like the thing to do at the time.

I have recently had a life altering experience that is slowly returning me to a much missed peace of mind I have not had in many, many years. The whys and wherefores will come out over time I'm sure.

I want to use this blog to share who and what I am and will become, The posts will encompass, at some point or another, most everything that I am. Christian, dad, hobbyist, partner, son, photographer...all of which I have recently decided that I am rededicating myself to be the best one I can be.

You're welcome to ride along if you like. If its not your cup of tea we'll both move along and journey to our next stop on separate paths.

Until my next snippet of life..enjoy yours.

1 comment:

  1. You are not alone in the life altering thing....I thank you for stepping into my life and making it everything I always dreamed it could be.
