Friday, February 6, 2015

2015 36

The blatant feminism and pro blackishness of many on twitter is lauded and applauded while similar pro male or pro whiteishness is derided. Meaning fair treatment/coverage is only fair when it covers what you want. Like liberals tolerate anything except conservatives and Christians. Shaming has gotten to be the norm with hyperbole as support. Our world is completely out of whack with no hopes of any type of rational moderation.

Thinking about Star Wars takes me back to watch episode 4-6 the whens and wheres.

If a women's name is Chica is her brother named Hombre?

Apria Health Systems is the most insurance related entity I have ever called, bar none.

Why is the modern trend in comic books to be more like real world? Doesn't the completely fucking destroy the entire point the medium was created? Yes it does and that's why current comics are by and large such a large pile of utter bullshit. The creators should pick somewhere else for their bully pulpit.

Pop culture reporting sites spend so much time reporting on people that have not been relevant in years in hopes that they will become relevant again.

I like our nights together, me and Chef Teri. She soothes the enraged asshole in me.

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