Monday, January 5, 2015

2015 5

In digging around I managed to dig up 126 comic book podcasts I had not heard of up to that point during 2014. I feel that means podcasting is not resurging but has been a constant since oh around 2005. These articles by folks not involved in a scene that proclaim a scene is or isn't not big are a joke. As you are not involved how could you possibly know what is or is not big. Instead the articles should be about how the author was clueless about that particular scene until just recently and now has some rudimentary knowledge of said scene. Those type articles would be much more genuine and honest then the others.

Home and fussing over money to send to me ex to help cover car insurance for the youngest. I hate these kinds of talks because I hate the way they make me feel.

Now some TV catchup. Grimm first. Covert Affairs to finish up.

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