Monday, June 28, 2010

My plethora of creative juices is starting to return to a more manageable level. At least one if not two of my podcasts will be going on hiatus. The third has kinda slowed and I really want to re-focus on it and keep it going.

This week I will be sitting down and pulling photos for two of the three photo book projects I have been invited to help with.

I just haven't been able to pull together enough time in one shot to sit and write anything yet but I haven't back burnered those ideas yet they are still kinda hangin in the forefront.

Lately my muse and I have engaged in alot of TV/movie watching and I feel that any amount of creativity I may have pales in comparison to others.

Looking for another church to attend. Visited our third in two months and were very nonplussed. Not really sure if out lack of engagement is ours or an urging by the Holy Spirit nor do we know if it was correct of us to leave PCOG, but we did and are trying to find other.

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